Great minds agree: this is the time for trees

Get expert help with:

  • Community Forests

    Community Forest Plans

    I wrote much of the high-profile Forest of Avon Plan (2022) and can draw on this and my senior roles in England’s Community Forests since 1989, to support the production of your Community Forest Plan. Leading on Plan writing, I can ensure a high-quality and cost effective document, drawing on the latest best practice, including integration with Local Nature Recovery Networks.

    Committed to the cause of Community Forests, please get in touch: I relish these opportunities.

  • Natural colonisation

    Tree & Woodland Strategies

    A strategy enables you to plan for the many long-term benefits trees & woodlands would bring to your area. Drawing upon my experience including on the Bristol Tree and Woodland Strategy and the Forest of Avon Plan/ West of England Tree & Woodland Strategy, I can help you consider the benefits of trees, plan for them, engage others in your vision and identify delivery mechanisms to achieve this.

    I can lead on the production of the strategy or support you to do this.

  • Planning for trees

    Landscape Planning

    Landscape planning defines where trees & woodlands positively contribute to landscape character, whilst reflecting objectives including nature’s recovery and retention of high-quality farmland. Drawing upon my professional qualifications, I assess landscape character areas, setting out where trees and woodlands are appropriate and the type of trees these should be.

    This service can be stand-alone or combined with the production of a Tree & Woodland Strategy.

  • Coppicing

    Woodland Management Plans

    Whether you have a copse or an estate, a management plan is a critical tool for best managing your woodland. I have produced approved plans for 850ha woodland and work with you to establish your objectives, survey the woodland, consider the impacts of disease and climate change and produce a 10-year plan in line with Forestry Commission guidance. I can advise on grants too.

  • Set up a charity

    Setting up & Managing a Charity

    To access resources, bring together partners and deliver a community forest or landscape scale project you will need a project entity which could be a charity. I draw upon my significant charity and partnership management experience to advise and support you in identifying the most appropriate project entity and help you establish this.

    Please also get in touch if you want guidance on setting up up a charity, whatever the cause.

  • Tree planting

    Tree Planting

    If you need advice on where, what and how to plant trees (including natural regeneration) and ensure planted trees establish well, I can provide a summary of guiding principles. Drawing upon my experience and professional qualifications, I can also produce more detailed specifications, costings, site and management plans.

    I can also advise on tree planting grants and support you in delivering a planting scheme.